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Merry Meet & Merry Met!

We are here to welcome all Pagans, Witches, and Spiritualists form all walks of life! We strive to educate with an open mind and heart. We strive to learn as much from you as you from us! 

Northern Lights

Our Statement of Purpose

  1. The purpose of the Coven shall be to research, study, teach religious traditions; practices, beliefs, and values of New Age and OL' Paganism/Wicca.

  2. To exercise any, all, and every power which an establishment of religion is in-titled to, with a primary focus on the traditions of  New Age and OL' Paganism/Wicca.

  3. To honor the earth and all creatures as sacred, to work to heal and protect the environment within our community, state, throughout our nation, and across the world.

  4. Teach the religious beliefs, traditional skills, and spiritual path to our members, students, and the public.

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